Do both by combining the regular expressions into ^ + | + $. Search for + $ to trim trailing whitespace. Search for ^ + and replace with nothing to delete leading whitespace (spaces and tabs). You can easily trim unnecessary whitespace from the start and the end of a string or the lines in a text file by doing a regex search-and-replace. This solution will also not match tags nested in themselves. Anything between the tags is captured into the second backreference. The key in this solution is the use of the backreference \1 in the regex. * ? ) will match the opening and closing pair of any HTML tag. This regex will not properly match tags nested inside themselves, like in onetwoone. The question mark in the regex makes the star lazy, to make sure it stops before the first closing tag rather than before the last, like a greedy star would do. Anything between the tags is captured into the first backreference. * ? ) matches the opening and closing pair of a specific HTML tag. Oh, and you definitely do not need to be a programmer to take advantage of regular expressions! Grabbing HTML Tags The outline links to RegexBuddy’s regex tutorial (the same one you find on this website), where you can always get in-depth information with a single click. RegexBuddy will analyze any regular expression and present it to you in a clearly to understand, detailed outline. RegexBuddy offers the fastest way to get up to speed with regular expressions.

But you will earn back that time quickly when using regular expressions to automate searching or editing tasks in EditPad Pro or PowerGREP, or when writing scripts or applications in a variety of languages. If you are new to regular expressions, you can take a look at these examples to see what is possible. Key techniques used in crafting each regex are explained, with links to the corresponding pages in the tutorial where these concepts and techniques are explained in great detail. Below, you will find many example patterns that you can use for and adapt to your own purposes.